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ISHPSSB 2021 Werner Callebaut Prize awarded to Marina DiMarco

We are thrilled that this year’s Werner Callebaut Prize has been awarded to Marina DiMarco (University of Pittsburgh) for her paper “(re)Producing mtEve,” now published in the journal Studies in the History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences.

Werner Callebaut was the scientific director of the KLI as well as the president of ISHPSSB up until his untimely death in 2014. The Werner Callebaut Prize was established in 2015 to encourage and support interdisciplinary approaches in ISHPSSB. To advance the careers of early career scholars working at the intersection of the fields of ISHPSSBAt each meeting, the prize is awarded to an interdisciplinary paper presented at one of the two previous meetings by a graduate student (at the time). The KLI is proud to continue to support and extend Werner's interests and mentorship in this area.

Congratulations to Marina!