Behavior: The Missing Link to Understanding Diet and Morphology
KLI Colloquium: Mariana DUTRA FOGAÇA (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna), 22 October 2020, 3.00 pm. [br] To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.
A pluralistic and integrated approach to action-oriented knowledge for sustainability
Scientific Director Guido Caniglia and collaborators outline a pluralistic and integrated approach to classifying and connecting the diverse kinds of action-oriented knowledge identified in previous sustainability research.
Two new fellows at the KLI
Welcoming postdoc fellow Marco Vianna Franco and writing-up fellow Lisa Lehner
Protect wildlife now to protect us from future pandemics
Four relevant actions should be taken into account to protect and conserve wildlife in this pandemic era.
Managing knowledge processes in municipalities for sustainability transformation
A new interdisciplinary study asks: How should new forms of urban governance acquire, store, create, or disseminate knowledge to effectively foster sustainability transformations?
Three new fellows at the KLI
Welcoming postdoctoral fellow Luana Poliseli and writing-up fellows Ashley Lewis and Jacob Weger.
Trade reproduces international inequalities
Through international trade, richer countries do not merely generate a monetary trade surplus but appropriate international resources and labour from poorer countries. KLI postdoctoral fellow Christian Dorninger has investigated these inequalities.
EASPLS 2020 – Mentoring Sessions
EASPLS Consortium is committed to support early career researchers working in the philosophy of the life sciences by offering virtual mentoring sessions (from 7 to 11 September 2020) on highly relevant topics for young researchers.
Pollution is strongly related to COVID-19 deaths in Italy
A new study by KLI Fellow Roberto Cazzolla Gatti (et al.) reveals how prolonged exposure to air pollution (especially to fine particles) has contributed to SARS-CoV-2 mortality and infections in Italy
Elise Richter Grant for KLI Alumn Barbara FISCHER
Congratulations to KLI Alumn Barbara FISCHER (University of Vienna) who received an Elise Richter Grant by the Austrian National Fund (FWF) for her project "Why is childbirth so difficult in humans?"
Guido Caniglia and Dominika Glogowski win StartClim2020 grant
The grant will fund a ClimArtLab workshop at the Science-Art-Society interface.
Casting doubt on certifications for sustainable palm oil production
Analyzing over three decades of high-resolution satellite images, Cazzolla Gatti and Velichevskaya argue that the "sustainable palm oil" certification can greenwash the production of this tropical crop.
Global Inequality and the Post-Growth Imperative: Rethinking Development Economics in the Age of Climate Breakdown
Virtual KLI Colloquium: Jason HICKEL (University of London), 7 July 2020, 5.00 pm. To join our online colloquium please register with Zoom. Deadline for the registration: 3 pm on the day of the talk—no admission in the room after 5:05 pm!
Eco-Evo-Devo in Action: Parasite-Induced Morphologies in Ants
Virtual KLI Colloquium: Alice LACINY (KLI), 30 June 2020, 5.00 pm. To join our online colloquium please register with Zoom. Deadline for the registration: 3 pm on the day of the talk—no admission in the room after 5:05 pm!
Living up to the Ethics of Cross-Cultural Research During Biological Sampling With Vulnerable Communities in the Era of “-Omics” and Big-Data Research
Virtual KLI Colloquium: Stephanie SCHNORR (University of Nevada & KLI, Klosterneuburg) & Alyssa CRITTENDEN (University of Nevada), 23 June 2020, 5.00 pm.
To join our online colloquium please register with Zoom.
Deadline for the registration: 3 pm on the day of the talk—no admission in the room after 5:05 pm!
A new niche emergence theory for economics
The new niche theory argues that economics - like ecology – autocatalytically emerges and strongly depends on cooperation.
Relativism in the Philosophy of Science
Virtual KLI Colloquium: Martin KUSCH (University of Vienna), 16 June 2020, 5.00 pm. [br] To join our online colloquium please register with Zoom. [br]
Deadline for the registration: 3 pm on the day of the talk—no admission in the room after 5:05 pm!
Unraveling an evolutionary puzzle of the mammalian ear
How can an intricately complex and interlocked structure evolve such amazing functional diversity in mammals? Latest work co-authored by KLI fellow Nicole Grunstra talks about the evolution and evolvability of the mammalian ear.
Philosophical Aspects of the Species Problem and Their Bearing on Comparative Biology
Virtual KLI Colloquium: Frank ZACHOS (Natural History Museum, Vienna), 2 June 2020, 5.00 pm. [br]
To join our online colloquium please register with Zoom.